The Best Jerky You've Ever Tasted!

金門高梁豬肉酥(香,酥,脆)Pork Sung
Tender & Moist Taiwanese Style Jerky
As some of you know, Taiwanese style jerky is tender, moist, and flavorful. Most of the supermarket jerky made in the U.S. is hard and chewy. Because we like to save our teeth for our senior years, our family decided to bring our traditional style of jerky to the United States.

Taiwanese Pineapple Cake純手工土鳳梨酥

Nougat Candy Peanut Milk Flavour. 天然純手工花生牛軋糖

Nougat Biscuit Milk Flavor天然純手工原味奶香牛軋餅

Original Flavor Peanut Candy 天然純手工原味花生糖

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49 Atlantic Avenue
Lynbrook, NY, 11563
Limited hours - please call in advance before coming.
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